Sunday 26 April 2015

Bye Bye iPhone

After a small bit of deliberation I decided to change my phone.

There were two issues I had to give consideration to.  

The first was whether I wanted to commit to a monthly package for phone connection and which plan to go with.  The second issue was whether I would get an iPhone (which I've had for the past while) or change phone to an android.

Having been "pay as you go" for a number of years, but having been constantly spending more month on month, I decided to go with a monthly plan.

The plan I chose offered a free HTC phone or else I could pay an extra €240 for an iPhone 5S.

I chose to go with the HTC as I have been coming around to the idea of getting away from an iPhone for a few different reasons.  One reason is that the battery on the iPhone is brutal - seemingly it is far superior on the HTC.  The other reason I want to change from the iPhone is that I a, sick of iTunes on all the password malarkey that you have to deal with.  I want a less hassle free option.

I've been messing around on the HTC for two hours or so and I have to say that I am finding it quite user friendly.

Watch this space and I will report further the more that I use it.


  1. I have an android phone, dh has an iPhone which he needs to replace AGAIN!! Not a fan of either I have decided.

  2. Big Mistake. The reason you drain your iPhone battery so fast is because you use it so much. Bet your next phone will be an iPhone again. People just can't pass up FREE !!!


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